
almost 2 years now... I miss him.
there are so many things I want to tell you Kael... so many wonderful things that happend to me, so many painful things that i wanna cry to you about...
but I also know that your around, as long as I think of you, you are here with me.


yup, my next cosplay will be this:

Wasteland Legend Outfit - Fallout 3
this will be so awesome to make!
I cant wait till i figure how the hell will i make a cool pipboy XD
and make some nuka cola... and maybe some other random little stuff.


this is gonna be sooooo fun!!!
I really can't wait till i could put it on and go to Romics! [and then Lucca comics and games]

and I will be doing another cosplay with friends of mine...
its gonna be... this!
Midori Sugiura - Mai Hime


Im so excited!
2 weeks ago I maneged to fall off the stairs [in my friends house].
thats my luck I guess, becasue it happened just before the Gay pride in Rome [that I missed as you might notice] then I "had" a birthday that I didnt do anything excepet lay in bed.
thanks mom and dad for calling.
Now, 2 weeks later, I'm still at bed, although I did go out for work this last week. And this fact didnt do a lot of good... not to my leg and not to my walet.
being crippeld cost A LOT OF MONEY T_T
...I do think that my left leg is now stronger then the right leg that is crippled... it feels wierd.

weeeell, at least I gave myself a present [my tattoo], because it seems that it was my only present I got.
I really hate this birthday, I officialy hate this year, the 23rd year of my life.

and I can't keep wondering...
If there was a zombie attack... I'd be eating some children already...
or pretty screaming girls...

I'm going off topic and this means... I must go back to my books.
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Date of Birth:15 june
Current Location:Rome - Italy
Eye Color:Hazel
Hair Color:Dirty Blond
Heritage:jewish russian
Piercings:upper ear
Tattoos:very soon - a black panther.
Band/Singer:Gahhh, Emilie Autumn... Sonata Arctica... Within temptation... Geh, there are too many
Song:depends on my mood
Movie:Pulp Fiction
Disney Movie:Lion Kind
TV show:Dont have a TV
Pizza topping:anything with onion
Ice-Cream Flavor:pistacchio [cuz i eat gelato]
Drink (alcoholic):Guinness for ever!
Soda:gased water
Clothing Brand:idk...
Shoe Brand:etnies
Month:October - November
Make-Up Item:eye pencil
Board game:chess, although I suck after not playing for more then 6 years...
This or That
Sunny or rainy:"Im only happy when it rains!" in other words, it makes my day ^_^
Chocolate or vanilla:Vanilla since ever.. but there is no choice anyway, im elergic to cacao.
Fruit or veggie:Veggies!!!!
Night or day:I wish there was only night
Sour or sweet:sour
Love or money:love
Phone or in person:in person. I hate phones!
Looks or personality:personality
Coffee or tea:coffee in the morning but tea for the soul :P
Hot or cold:cold
Goal for this year:get my italian high enough to pass the scritten testes -_-'
Most missed memory:mom's food....
Best physical feature:O_O
First thought waking up:"another 5 min...."
Hypothetical personality disorder:ohhh, dont let me get started on that. I see myself as a very ill and crazy person.
Preferred type of plastic surgery:just say "thank you" and then shut up. you could have been born with 3 eyes 6 legs and no mouth.
Sesame street alter ego:Cookie!!!!
Fairytale alter ego:all the villains?
Most stupid remark:im a stoker! >.<
Worst crime:....shop lifting XD
Greatest ambition:to become a psycologist and be good at it.
Greatest fear:to get emotionaly hurt...
Darkest secret:im not really what you think I am, Im a green little elian that came here to take over the world.... but is constently failing -_-' god damn it!
Favorite subject:science, nature, technology and god. XD dont they go nice together?
Strangest received gift:a cookie O_o
Worst habit:trying to stay in control... but i think im starting to loose that habit...
Do You:
Smoke:yes and I hate it.
Drink:no, only guinness or red wine. I stoppet with the "lets get drunk" thing. its back.
Shower daily:everyday. body and hair.
Like thunderstorms:randomness?
Dance in the rain:hell ya!
Sing:when im happy [also under the rain]
Play an instrument:no, I suck.
Get along with your parents:yes.
Wish on stars:no... stars have nothing to do with wishes.
Believe in fate:yes. but we make it happen.
Believe in love at first sight:unfortunatly yes.
Can You:
Drive:have a licence but didnt drove for almost 2 years.
Sew:only buttens.
Cook:yup ^_^ and I love it!!!
Speak another language:yes, hebrew, russian and Italian.
Dance:only drunk, or in a very hyper mood.
Sing:no. I suck.
Touch your nose with your tongue:no... I could say I suck... but its not correct.... its more like... I lick, but not my nose.
Whistle:"I'm dancing in the rain..." MUah ha ha ha!!!
Curl your tongue:yeah.
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk:unfurtunatly yes... and the last time iv been drunk made me stop compleatly.
Been Stoned/High:twice and I will never do that again... i never felt so sick in my whole life. Crap! me drugs and alchol dont go together very well.
Eaten Sushi:yesturday... XD
Been in Love:yeah.... once. not too long ago.
Skipped school:haha who didnt?
Made prank calls:mmmm.... I assume I did cuz i was a dumb kid... but I dont remember
Sent someone a love letter:no, writing isnt realy my strong side
Stolen something:yeah
Cried yourself to sleep:just a week ago
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person?lies and errogence.
Are you right or left handed?right
What is your bedtime?2-3am
Name three things you can't live without:my family, my friends and basic pysical needs I guess XD
What is the color of your room?white
Do you have any siblings?a brother that is older then me in 12 years.
Do you have any pets?back home in Israel I have my 18 year old cat and my psycho dog.
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?No. 1) cuz i doesnt worth it. 2) its very hard to find somone I hate... especially hate to death.
What is you middle name?I dont have one.... why the hell everybody have to have that thing?!
What are you nicknames?Dalinka, Dalik and Sora.
Are you for or against gay marriage?FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOO
What are your thoughts on abortion?every one with thier case. I dont really care about that, it much more importent to me to save a kitten then another stupid human.
Do you have a crush on anyone?no
Are you afraid of the dark?no, the dark is protective, why being afraid of it?
How do you want to die?in my sleep.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day?1?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love?hummm... i will take a bullet for a real friend or my family... but a lover? I dont know... already saw it doesnt worth it.
What is the last law you’ve broken?Crossing the road in red. XD
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color:Black, red, dark brown...
Eye color:green, "black"
Heighti dont care
Weighti donno
Most important physical feature:who gives a shit?
Biggest turn-offsmell. O_O hey!! i have a sensitive nose!
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A lot of things got me thinking in this few days.

Learning about myself but still don’t know anything. Finding my flows and my so called advantages but mostly my flows…

Today I was talking to my mother and asked her if she is satisfied by her work as a psychologist. The talk took another lead eventually and came to the fact that there are a lot of psychologists that are basically a social worker within themselves. They are always there for people that have some kind of an emotional problem in their lives. With this, they ignore themselves and their needs and life, and give all their strength to others. This may seem to you that these people are actually very good people that devote themselves for the help of others, so nothing wrong with that, the world needs more of these kind. But here's the trick, as to psychologists, this is so unprofessional and so damaging to the person himself and the surroundings, his family and friends. I remember my mother said to me in the past, not a few times, that at work she is a psychologist, and home she is a mother and wife. She has a good point. A person that will be a psychologist in his life won't do any other part rather then be a psychologist. He could not be a husband nor a father. All this because the simple fact of roles in our lives. Here is a more simple example, take a teacher, she is a good teacher but when she comes home, she don’t leave her teaching shoes at the school, she comes back with them home, to her children. I think you can simply imagine how it will be. The role of the mother is replaces with a role of "another" teacher to the children. I won't expend in this because I think you got the idea. Back to our "inner social worker" psychologist, this will be a disaster to his family, his friends and his carrier as a psychologist, with his friends he is like a garbage can, and for his family he is not really there as he is suppose, as a father, the protecting, caring and not judging father.

Now I realized that I am becoming that garbage can, most of my life people came to me for a consolation or just a shoulder to cry on. This is all welcomed, but it just made me realized that I've grown to be attracted and attract only this kind of people. I forgot about myself, my feeling, and my problems… I forgot so much that it seems like I lost them all. I do need someone to. A shoulder to cry on and a person that will listen to me and not judge me. Now… I just don’t know how to listen to myself, I don’t know what is there to say about how I feel. It is all lost in my childhood. I'm starting to loose my energy with people that need me and ask my help, or people that I give myself to them because I love them. I really don’t see myself stopping giving support to those who ask for it, but I do need to find a way to do that in the role of a friend. And not in the role of my inner social worker because I know it will hurt me in my life and will also hurt or won't bring any good to others. I need to learn how to be a friend and how to be a lover. I really don’t know how. That what makes me so sad and disappointed, I can't even imagine how to be one… I never learned it in my life because I was too concentrated in others and their problems that I forgot to listen to myself and evolve my feelings.

Around a month ago, something changed something that eventually brought me to this point. I fell in love, something that I never even though will happen. I know it love because I never felt anything like that before… and it the only thing that made me remember my feeling, remember myself and what I can have in my life. Yes, I know it's tricky to understand what I am trying to say and I'm not sure I'll be able to explain it. Anyway, today when I had this talk with my mother I realized that even thought I'm in love, I didn’t change a bit, still doing the same thing, even with the one I love. Trying so hard not to do anything wrong, but still do everything wrong. Not know what I'm supposed to do in a relationship, what is my role? I still don’t know. But I do know this: I stop right now to be the silly social worker and the psychologist. I want to be able to support her as her love and also be supported in my own confusing and ignorant stat. I want to learn how to become a friend and lover. I need to stop thinking to deep about reasons and consequences, the outcomes of our behavior, the general characteristics of people and, the traits… everything! All those things that I am supposed to do at the university and later on at work as a future psychologist, all those have to stay there, far away from my personal life.

This makes me wonder if I should go to a psychologist myself to figure things out, because I don't think I can do it by myself.

I thought too much… too deep. But now, I stop and leave it to where it belongs – the university. Now I am Dalia the friend. It doesn’t matter what I study in the university. But I will need your help on teaching me the things that I don’t know about this new world of friendship and relationship. Be patient with me, I beg of you. Give me time to learn, to develop myself. I want to understand my own feeling, to listen to them. I want to give all of myself as a friend, but also to get some back, this way I won't loose energy.

Thank you for opening my heart so I can start listening to myself.